Oprah Love Expert

How to Have a Healthy Relationship

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Sometimes relationships can seem like a lot of work until you sit back and realize just how much you've been given. A thriving, healthy relationship requires some give and take, and is absolutely within your reach if you and your partner are willing to do a bit of work. If you and your partner are right for each other, all the work will definitely be worth it in the long run.


Things You Must Do Independently
  1. Take responsibility for your own happiness. Save yourself several hours of arguing by remembering this one rule: it's not up to anyone else to make you happy. In a relationship your partner will try to please you and make you happy but in the end you are responsible for your happiness.
  2. Make good on your words. Follow through on your promises. When you say you're going to do something, do it. Don't say that you'll cook dinner, or get a birthday present, and then blow it off or simply forget about it. What this does is systematically destroy trust. And relationships need trust in order to thrive.
  3. Admit your mistakes. If you know you've done something to hurt your partner, intentionally or not, own up to it. Humble yourself and apologize sincerely, without making excuses or justifications like "I'm sorry you made me angry."
    • Commit to changing your behavior. If you notice yourself apologizing for the same mistake over and over, step it up a level. Tell your partner that you recognize this mistake keeps happening, and you want to train yourself to stop. Request help and ask for him or her to gently point it out to you when you're making this mistake again.
  4. Be realistic. Every relationship has disagreements and days when staying isn't the easiest choice. But what makes a relationship healthy is choosing to resolve those problems and push through the hard days, instead of just letting issues and resentment fester.
    • Review your expectations. Do you see your partner as a person, with both winning qualities and flaws, or as someone you expect to be perfect? If your expectations are so astronomical that no one could live up to them 100% of the time, you're setting up your relationship for failure.
    • Accept that conflict happens. If you expect to be in a long-term relationship, you're bound to have the occasional disagreement. Remember that one argument isn't the end of everything, and there's no person on earth that you'd agree with all the time.
    • Always ask yourself whether you're better off in the relationship than out of it. If you don't think you're better off in the relationship, then you probably should have a serious discussion with your partner. In a loving relationship, this question almost always gets a simple "Yes."
  5. Listen to your partner. Sometimes, all your partner wants is for you to lend an ear and be sympathetic about one of their problems. Other times, your partner wants you to actively give them advice. Know which one your partner is looking for, and try to give them what they want. Being a good listener is all about paying attention to what they're saying and not blowing it off.
    • Listening to your partner will enhance your relationship in many ways. It will help you resolve differences without arguing; let you explore each other's personality more deeply; and even help you pick out an awesome Christmas present. There are no downsides to listening.
  6. Show your affection in whatever way you can. There's a difference between knowing that you're loved and feeling that you're loved. Sometimes, we bank on the fact that our partners should know that we love them even when we don't show it. Don't rely on this too much. The best relationships use affection to show love.
    • Do something for your partner that you know s/he will truly appreciate. Whether it means getting up early to mow the lawn, taking the kids to karate, or baking that nutella shortcake, it's often the little favors that say the most.
    • Don't be afraid to show physical affection every once in a while. Loving relationships feed off of the little kisses, hugs, and back-rubs that are mainstays of affection.
    • Do the unexpected. It's one thing to kiss your partner after you come home from work; it's another thing to kiss your wife while you're skydiving, falling 10,000 feet from a plane. It's the thought that counts, so put a little effort into it for huge returns.
  7. Be loyal. Make sure he/she knows that you will always be there for him/her. Put him/her first in your life as much as you possibly can. Not that you have to only see him/her ever, or never talk to anyone else, but he/she should know that he/she can always count on you if he/she needs something. Also, expect the same loyalty from him/her. You deserve to feel prized in the relationship just as much as him/her.
  8. Do not ever hide anything from him/her. Especially your feelings about him/her and your relationship - whether good or bad! This way you will be able to overcome all the difficulties and challenges together. If something bad happened in your past that still affects you in the present, he/she needs to know about it. Note: you should be able to discuss your sexual history. It is an obligation before you decide to be sexually involved with your partner. But you should make them feel safe and not judgmental and you should expect the same from your partner.
  9. Give him/her some space. Everyone needs their own privacy and some freedom, so don't constantly watch everything he/she does. Everyone hates to be watched, stifled and controlled.
    • Do not ever spy on him/her (reading his/her phone, stalking him/her on social networks, following him/her around). If he/she is cheating on you, you will find out. These things cannot be kept secret for very long. But if you spy on him/her and he/she is innocent, you will lose his trust and respect forever.
  10. Express your feelings towards him/her. Always remind him/her of how much they mean to you, and what they represent to you. Women are not the only ones who need expressions of love and care, men need that too.
    • If you have a problem, you need to let him/her know - preferably in a clear and calm manner without any yelling. If he says `Are you OK?` and you answer yes, do not expect him to understand that you really meant no. Be honest and open.
    • Let him/her know it is safe to open up to you about what he is feeling. Reward his/her trust in you by sympathizing with him/her and, but you don`t need to say much, just listen.
    • Don't be afraid to lose him/her or spend every minute fearing the huge pain that that might cause you. Enjoy each wonderful moment as it happens, and realize that there will never be another one just like it.
    • Never be pathetic and needy just to make him/her pay attention to you and give you sympathy.
    • A solid relationship should be based on mutual respect; if you are constantly trying to pull him/her down with you, this means you don`t respect him /her enough to want him/her to be happy. If you are depressed, see a doctor - don`t pull some guy/girl into your problems.
  11. Encourage him/her. So that he/she can be more successful at work or study. That will make him/her realise how much you care about his/her future and wish that he/she'd become one of the best. It will also make his/her feeling towards you grow even stronger, and he/she will believe that you're ready to support him/her on anything he/she does.
Things That You Must Do Together
  1. Revive date-night. Going on dates, even if you've been in a relationship for years, is still important. In fact, it's especially important for couples who have been together long enough to grow comfortable. Try to go on a date at least once every month. Some couples make it a priority to go on one date every week.
    • If you're having trouble imagining date ideas, try recreating a date you had with your partner early on in your courtship. Do exactly the same thing(s), or put a spin on the date by reinventing it in a significant way.
    • Do something new and exciting. Doing something that gets your blood flowing and your heart rate up enhances feelings of togetherness between partners. If you're feeling brave, go on dates that makes you feel like a kid all over again: going to a comedy club, taking a cooking class, or test-driving a new car, to name only a few.
  2. Practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is a decision of letting go of the past and focusing on the present. It's about taking control of your current situation, as you must offer it to your partner as much as you demand it from them.
    • Remember who forgiveness really benefits. Forgiving your partner absolves him or her, but it also frees you from carrying around anger and resentment. Don't view it as an entirely altruistic act — it's something you're doing for both of you.
  3. Laugh together. Laugh at one another with the security of love. Laughter helps the world go 'round, and it may with your relationship, too. Laughter helps your body burn calories, increase blood flow, strengthen the immune system, and lowers blood sugar levels.[1] Laughter can be comforting, infectious, or an aphrodisiac, and many things in between. Don't forget to laugh.
  4. Support each other. Being supportive means making your partner's happiness and well-being a priority, in ways big and small. Keep in mind that part of why you're together in the first place is that you're each other's biggest fans, so make sure you act like it. Try demonstrating your support in these ways:
    • Be a good listener. If your partner needs you to lend an ear, do it willingly. You don't always need to come up with a solution, just support.
    • Offer encouragement. If your partner is trying to make a positive change, start a new hobby, or undertake a difficult challenge, be his or her biggest cheerleader.
    • Provide a safe place. Allow your partner to be vulnerable in front of you without fear of judgment.
  5. Devote time to each other. Make spending time with your partner a priority, even if it's a little inconvenient at first. Relationships need shared experiences to grow, and you're demonstrating that nurturing yours is important to you.
    • Take up a hobby. Learning something new together can help you grow closer, as well as discovering a leisure activity you both enjoy. Try sports like tennis or basketball, learning a new language, cooking, crafting, or whatever else you've been wanting to try.
    • Find small ways to serve each other. Doing small acts of service for your partner shows that you're aware of what he or she needs, and you're willing to help out. It doesn't have to be an extravagant gesture: make dinner, take care of a small errand, or offer a foot rub at the end of the day. Don't make it a big deal, and don't automatically expect payback.
  6. Develop better communication. Most people aren't born great communicators — it's something nearly everyone has to work at. The way you talk to your partner might seem small, but you do it several times a day and it does have an effect. Consider these fixes:
    • Don't use directive language. Try to keep phrases like "you should" or "you can't" out of your relationship. You and your partner are equals, and neither one of you should have the authority to direct the other.
    • Relay your expectations. If you expect your partner to do something, say it. Don't expect that he or she should read your mind, and don't rely on hints. Being clear about what you want gives your partner a fair shot at succeeding. (And keep the above point in mind: instead of "You should take the garbage out every day," say "I'd really like it if you took the garbage out every day.")
    • Say "please" and "thank you." You should be able to let loose around your partner, so there's no need to worry about having impeccable manners all the time. The exception to this is asking nicely and expressing gratitude when your partner does something — don't just assume he or she knows how you meant it.
    • Fight fair. Don't just let all these good communication skills go out the window during an argument. Try to get your point across in a loving, respectful way that doesn't seek to hurt your partner. If he or she insists on yelling or throwing insults, quietly request a calmer attitude.

Test Your Knowledge

Make a Relationship Work Quiz


  • Trust is very important; if you don't trust somebody there's no point of being with them.
  • Comfort each other when needed.
  • Never cheat, if you are in a long term relationship with someone you love, it is never worth it and these things will always resurface.
  • Never lie, it always comes back and hurts you one day! Even if its small and useless, always be honest!
  • Take care of yourself. Treating yourself with respect and love is as important as respecting and loving your partner.
  • Allow your partner to WANT to love you. Don't pressure them into buying this and that, kissing you at this time etc Your partner has to want to do these things. It makes things more real and less of you feeling like you're forcing them to love you.
  • Ask questions, clarify, and don't assume. Do not talk if your mind is not clear or is full of anger. When you feel hurt, do not say "it's your fault / you never loved me" or "let's break up" or "when do you want to break up?". You might well regret it one day. Tell him or her you feel hurt, and ask for clarification first, if you don't work together and just blame, it can only do harm. Never just withdraw this always causes more harm than good.
  • The first thing you should know is, find what you love about him/her, what made you fall in love with him/her. And love him/her with all your heart, treasure every moment, and treat him/her the way he/she should be treated.
  • Never be anything other than yourself around them. If you don't show them all of you, they can't love all of you.
  • Don't assume the worst or doubt him/her. It's all about trust.
  • Know when to say no, and know when time and space are actually constructive tools.
  • Avoid flirting with others, especially previous partners. Doing so may spur romantic feelings for another.
  • Don't change for them when you go into a relationship. They liked you for what you were then - don't feel you have to act dramatically different. Just be comfortable.
  • Don't drag up the past, especially when it is something that has been resolved. It should stay buried and should not have to surface again.
  • All good relationships are based upon mutual respect. If you do not feel respect for your partner, or believe your partner is losing respect for you, then consider ways of rebuilding it immediately. Respect is the key. If you have true respect for one another, then nothing can go wrong. You have to learn respect, sometimes it can take a while to achieve this, but if they love you it will come.
  • Don't be clingy.
  • Trying to control a situation or person will only leave you feeling out of control. Relax and let things happen organically.
  • Strike while the iron is cold. Know when to be reflective and invoke principles. When the house is burning is no time to teach fire safety principles.
  • No matter what, never take your anger out on your partner. Even if he/she is the reason of this mood. It will only make things worse if you let them feel horrible!
  • Don't act like an obssesive control freak that follows him around to see what he does and what girls he hangs out with...let him know that you trust him and knows that he won't do anything behind your back.
  • Never expect too much,make your partner feel good about him/herself.


  • If your partner is scaring you, trying to control you, or deliberately hurting you (physically or emotionally), seek help immediately. Abusive behavior is not your fault. In a healthy relationship, partners need to work together to make each other happy; you should never have to work just to keep your partner from making you miserable.

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Sources and Citations

  1. http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/give-your-body-boost-with-laughter

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Have a Healthy Relationship. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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So tell the truth, you'll receive great dates just being yourself.  It is guaranteed to produce your confidence rise and demonstrate that potential partner you might be the one they are seeking when they describe someone with confidence.  We'll once we all know; dating has evolved a lot in the event you range in the age of thirty and beyond.  You can definitely learn an excellent deal about somebody and who they're by online chatting and email.  If you tend not to read his profile and view for common interests then you could possibly never get yourself a reply back.

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Some with the largest internet dating sites possess a head start with having members already decided upon services nevertheless the majority of such sites are paid sites.  Don't agree to become picked up your own house or meet at the private place.  You can build a romantic environment by joining a online dating services sites.  Women were found to become more choosy than men if this came to responding.  Women's biggest concern about dating for the Internet is meeting a serial killer.

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Obviously you might send emails to people you might not hear back from, you are going to go on some not very good date or worse, you'll meet someone you actually feel vital with only to discover tha they aren't interested in the relationship to you.  Louis area where I am concentrating on making the European connections.  There is not any one strategy to accurately guarantee success in the dating online scene.  Talk about the phone; that you are less likely to get fooled by way of a person's age or perhaps gender.  It makes no difference your age or maybe gender; what matters most right here is the desire to have your companion right away.

One on the disadvantages is you might end up chilling talking to someone who doesn't wish to fulfill anyone online but alternatively is looking only for friendly chat.  These sites for singles dating service happen to be welcomed by youth, also because doing so helps in increasing their friend circle.  Social networking has moved from like a buzz term to be a permanent and defining institution with the 20th century.  The risks involved with web dating may have decreased after a while, but that does not necessarily mean you must stop being vigilant.  Online dating has proved being a ticket to happy dating as well as a visa into a long-lasting relationship for many.

Nowadays, a tremendous factor as regards internet dating competition could be the explosion with the social networks that offers advanced services for feeding the need of folks for interaction without cost.  At a social event, the primary connection people make is from eye contact because first impulse for attraction should be to like whatever we see.  Instead, dating online gives individuals a versatile way to satisfy others with the exact same interests and needs.  During days gone by decade, 100's of UK online dating services websites happen to be set-nearly provide UK residents that has a match-making service.  At the identical time, Frind keeps costs low by owning a small employee base.

According to many victims on Scambook, using online dating sites like Zoosk or Match.  Zoosk online dating services services used some commercials to poke fun with the dating process.  With modern tools today, you'll be able to find your future spouse inside comfort within your bedroom.  Earlier this technique merely dependent about the interactive skills of your person however today things has evolved.  People make their personal ads on these websites in hope of finding Online Dating Relationships, yet it's often found how men still find difficulty in impressing women online.

It means a method to get to understand your potential partner better.  In the conclusion the profiles are incredibly limited that it can be hard to do not try to connect for dating in Flirtomatic, and you may must do some on the work yourself.  That's how come you'll be able to make the most beneficial of your online dating sites profiles.  Everyone understands that getting more than a relationship breakup isn't easy.  Once you might have found one or more online dating services sites that interest you are trying them out to get a few days.