Oprah Love Expert

5 Easy Ways To Truly Understanding Men and Relationships

Do you ever feel like it is time to change your man? Or perhaps you are noticing that more and more you find yourself nitpicking at him?

Before you jump down his throat it is important to examine whether or not he has changed from the time you first met.

From our experience and upon closer examination and countless discussions with our female audience, we find that the very men women are attempting to change are in fact still the same men when they first met and fell in love with them.

So why suddenly the ambition to change your man? And into what or whom would you like him to change into?

After closer examination and many interviews it becomes apparent that men's behaviors stay relatively identical to what they were when they first met, however, the romance and the newness of the relationship may have faded a bit. The effect of this reality gives the woman the impression that his love for her has ceased or diminished somewhat.

So ladies, here are some of awesome tips to help you with this seeming dilemma:

Tip 1: Every man has a different opinion and viewpoint of what makes a great lady for him. When you start to date a man, instead of giving forth your best side, stop worrying about how to impress him - be yourself and instead do your best to find out what he wants. You may find by asking questions that you are not at all what he is looking for. Instead of trying to mold yourself into what he wants, remain who you are at your own core and don't compromise your own integrity just to impress a guy. Being real as a woman is a rare trade and ultimately what will attract the right guy to you.

Tip 2: Instead of working excessively hard on trying to impress a guy by putting up a facade, loosen up and let go of your fear and worry about not getting the guy and just have fun and enjoy yourself. We are not saying that you should compromise yourself beyond what you truly want from the bottom of your heart, we are saying, however, not to put a hook into a specific outcome of the situation. Express who you are, be real and enjoy yourself - smile! If a guy wants to be in your life, he will figure out a way to be in your life.

Tip 3: As a general rule men can hardly resist a woman who is emotionally stable and mature. And this is something only you can work on. So make yourself your own first priority and let the perfect match come to you at the right time.

Tip 4: Before you run out and try to change him into who you want him to be, decide to accept him exactly as he is. The moment a thought crosses your mind of changing this small thing or that small thing, is when you're heading for trouble. Love and accept him "as is" right now. If you are unable to do so, then consider that he may not be your guy.

Tip 5: Women above all want intimacy, closeness, connection and trust - to women this translates into love. Men, by the way, want the same thing - add to that appreciation, which perhaps tops the list for men. So know that both men and women strive to be open and vulnerable. For this type of closeness to happen, however, we first must establish trust. Trust is hardly established when you try to change him or tell him what to do. Instead of going about it that way, simply express your desire, your wish. Communicate this to him your wish, detach from the outcome - and then let him figure how to make your wish come true. Men are amazingly creative and innovative at making wishes come true of the women they love. When you demand things from them or tell them what to do or worse, how to do it, you are contributing to his eventual disappearance.

Remember that as the woman, you have incredible power to influence him in a positive way - and at the same time you have the inexplicable power to destroy him. Appreciate him for everything he does, mention the things he does and say 'thank you' frequently (with sincerity). And watch how he will unfold and expand into wanting to do even more for you.

About the Author

New-Happiness.com is a prestigious life partner search firm assisting world travelled individuals find love over 40. Find your perfect match and true love, your rightful partner for the long lasting relationship you've always wanted.
Men and Relationships

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rolf_Walser

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