Oprah Love Expert

5 ways to (possible) to increase the love of your life

We can increase our capacity to love and be loved? Brené Brown, Ph.d., LMSW, author of gifts of blemish and Professor at the University of Houston, has spent the last 12 years, research on topics like this, scientifically research on the scope of human emotions, shame of what she calls in her famous came to talk TEDx. Here, he discusses with Oprah.com this last idea-what it means and how it can change your life, if you take practice, feet on the ground to grow.

Of all the thousands of people he met and studied over the years, looking for patterns in data-only 15-20 percent were people living with their whole heart, people who have really everything when it came to relationships. So I decided that I wanted to know why. You want quality is the people that make them able to receive and give love there?

When reviewing my research, I discovered that they are people who believe deeply that are worthy of love and belonging. These people believe that regardless of circumstances, unlike most of us believed that: "Hello, I am worthy of love and belonging to a bit more, but I'll be superworthy if I'm promoted." Or I'll be superworthy if I lost 20 pounds. "These people believed they were adorable and had a place in the world, and these beliefs translate into specific decisions made every day." They were aware. They acknowledged the shame and knew how to treat. They recognized this vulnerability, and they were ready to hear enough to ignore or numb.

What I was asking, like the rest of us to cultivate these qualities? It's not as if we simply decide to be vulnerable, or say, ' Hey, I'm worth, ' then-Ottoman-instantly, in order to pass. But there are practical changes you can make in your life that promote these beliefs. Here are five essential everyday actions that can help you develop came a sense deeper, more loving, for others and for you too.

Release of exhaustion

Everyone says you should work less to live life more fully and more connected. But if some of us that keep us from it. The reasons are simple: (1) exhaustion is a symbol of social status in our culture, and self-confidence (2) became the net value. We live to do so much and with such a short time that something is related to the task list-crush a NAP, say, or read a novel-creates stress.

People without a reservation, on the other hand, know when to stop and rest. Personally, I had to learn this. I'm still learning. I put my leg and now, but five years ago, I made some major changes in my personal and private life. I went full time part time at University and my husband, who is a pediatrician, shortened their hours four days a week. As at present, we are never less than eight hours of sleep.

What you asked? A constellation of choice. For example, one of the things that I want to grow more of rest is to say no. Last year, 85 percent of calls, rejected I'm talking about. Why I have a commitment to be at the table with the family four nights a week.

To say that no, we have to understand why we say Yes. One reason is the rarity. I, like many of us, he was so afraid that maybe disappeared all these possibilities, people maybe next year requiring you to don't make me come and talk and maybe my work does not draw attention, I needed and if I don't have my work, that would be? So I thought that I would say yes, Yes, Yes. The only reason that I can now say that it is not because I am working on my shame "gremlins". Gremlins are tricks of all these terrible whisper in our ears that keep us afraid and little things. When you say gremlins ' says Yes better, or don't like the ' or "they'll think you're lazy," susurré back: "this time no."I can say no. I love myself, stay at home and Carpools "football coach.

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